Archive for June 2016
Its Summertime Hot – Children Shouldn’t Be Left to Die
BOISSER CITY, LOUISIANA — Three-year-old twins, children of a sheriff’s deputy, were found unresponsive inside the family pickup truck on a day temperatures were in the 90s. They were pronounced dead at the hospital. Summer has only just arrived but already the annual death count has begun. Hot, record breaking temperatures have been registered across…
Read MoreOur Gun Violence Problem Needs Urgent Solutions – But What?
Oh, the empty rhetoric that spewed from politicians in the aftermath of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history! Stop all foreign Muslims from coming to the United States / Stop people on the no-fly list from buying guns / Enforce tougher background checks for gun buyers/ Restore the ban on AR-15 assault rifles.
Read MoreThe Escapee, the Rapist and Unjust Sentencing
The state of Georgia wants Robert Stackowitz back. Now, it is up to the governor of Connecticut whether to extradite the 71-year-old convicted felon so he can serve the remainder of a 17-year prison sentence. Fifty years ago Stackowitz was a brash 21-year-old who, along with two buddies, committed a robbery by force. The trio…
Read MoreWhat Would You Do as a Witness to Crime?
An infamous psychopathic serial killer died a couple of months ago in prison at the age of 81. You likely don’t recognize the name Winston Moseley but you might very well have heard about the last murder he committed. In March 1964, Moseley hunted down, repeatedly stabbed, raped and killed a young New York woman…
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