Our Modern-Day Debtor’s Prisons 

See if you can find the logic in this. A local government issues traffic fines to residents for infractions like not wearing a seat belt, expired registration tags or a broken taillight. If the fine isn’t promptly paid then interest and penalties pile up and soon a $50 or $100 ticket can quickly balloon to…

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D-Day’s Youth vs Today’s Youth

Seventy-five years ago, tens of thousands of brave and selfless young men from the United States, Canada and Great Britain took part in the largest seaborne invasion history has ever seen. It was carried out on the beaches of Normandy, France and propelled by the ideal that no one man should dominate others, no foreign…

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Horrible Harvey – No Way to Run a Justice System

How is it that someone accused of dozens of criminal acts can throw millions of dollars at a problem and pay his way out of trouble? That is what’s happening with Horrible Harvey Weinstein, except if all goes as planned he won’t be paying out anything. His insurance companies will handle the payoffs to the…

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