America’s Murder Inequality Hot Spots

Here’s a thought. Maybe we’ve been going about trying to reduce the rising murder rate in this country the wrong way. Maybe, instead of taking an aerial view of the problem we should have been looking at things from down at the street-level. Analyzing crime reports neighborhood by neighborhood to specifically target the simmering pockets…

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Who Will Police the Police in the Trump Years?

          If people want Washington to stop ignoring them they must stop ignoring their civic duty to become involved ….  With the newly sworn-in president and a change in administrations I’m wondering what will become of the Justice Department’s practice of investigating troubled law enforcement agencies. I have a suggestion about…

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Readers Sound Off on the Death Penalty

Serial killers, guns and the death penalty. Whenever I write about one of those topics my mailbox blows up. Last week’s column about convicted murderer Dylann Roof and America’s policy of capital punishment — public support for it, the costs associated with it and its usefulness in deterring others – definitely stirred passions.

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Is America’s Death Penalty Dying?  

Upon the birth of a new year let’s talk about death, shall we? The death penalty, to be precise. The topic loomed over a courtroom in Charleston, South Carolina last week where the self-proclaimed white supremacist, Dylann Roof, undertook a fool’s errand.

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Good Riddance to 2016 And a Wish List for 2017

As my father would have said about the year 2016, “So long, and don’t let the door hit you in the rump on the way out!” Although Dad surely would have used more colorful language. It was a confusing, divisive and extremely frustrating year, wasn’t it?

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