Mugshots Live on – Even For the Not Guilty

When the mass shooting suspect was led into a Christchurch, New Zealand courtroom photographers captured his shackled image.  The judge then ordered that the face of Brenton Harris Tarrant, accused of the worst mass murder in New Zealand history, be blurred from public view to insure he gets a fair trial. What a quaint judicial…

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Immigration:  Crisis or Not – It is a Problem

So, what is the reality about immigration into the United States? Is it the “humanitarian crisis at the border” some speak about or is it, as others maintain, nothing much to worry about since apprehensions along the Southwestern border are now at an all time low? Both statements are correct – to a point. Border…

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A Primer on Pedophiles

People worldwide have now watched the HBO documentary “Leaving Neverland” featuring two men who said, as children, they were repeatedly sexually abused by Michael Jackson.  The documentary delved into how such abuse can occur, a predator’s methods and the lifelong damage it can do to a child victim.  I’m not convinced most Americans truly understand…

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The State of Hate in the U.S.

Is America really full of hate? Are we truly a nation teeming with victims? Outsiders could certainly come to that conclusion after digesting the steady stream of agitated comments from activists and politicians and media reports about the divisive state of our interpersonal relationships. Hate speech, hate crimes, violence perpetrated by hate groups – all…

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