Archive for August 2016
The Problem With Sex Offender Registries
He was accused of an unspeakable crime he did not commit. For 27 years Earnest Leap of Oakview, Missouri has lived with the ugly label, “child molester.” With his name on a publicly available sex registry the word quickly spread that he had sexually abused his own son and had “admitted” it in court.
Read MoreYes, Let’s Fix the Ghetto
Fear, anger, cries of racism. This is what seems to envelop America these days, dished up daily by no less than presidential candidates and the media. So many people taking offense at what others say or do I can’t keep track of it all. It’s exhausting.
Read MoreEx-Cons, The Forgotten — and Now Manipulated — Voting Block
So, have you decided who you will vote for in the upcoming presidential election – or whether you’ll vote at all? As you ponder that, realize that nearly 6 million Americans will not be allowed to vote this November. Who are they?
Read MoreRapists Should Have No Right to ‘Daddy’ Status
Okay, ready to be outraged? Here’s the scenario: A woman says she has been raped. She makes a police report, undergoes the humiliating rape kit testing procedure and names the man she says sexually attacked her. Later she discovers she has become pregnant from that attack.
Read MoreRecruiting Your Kid as a Narc
This is the time of year parents start worrying about back-to-school stuff. For those with college aged kids who will soon go off to live by themselves an extra bit of preparation to think about. You may not realize it but police departments across the country, especially those near colleges and universities, often “flip” students…
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