Archive for November 2016
School Bus Safety Laws Long Overdue
If children are our most precious resource, then why aren’t we doing more to protect them as they travel to and from school? For decades, there have been concerns about the lack of seat belts in school buses. Yet today, only six states have laws requiring them.
Read MoreNote to Anti-Trump Protesters: Stop Whining
Stop it. I’m tired of turning on the news or picking up a newspaper and seeing your pouty faces, screaming for what you think you are due. I’m sick of reading your ill-informed signs adorned with swastikas and promising to beat back fascism. Makes one wonder if you’ve ever studied the real evils of history.…
Read MoreCops and Kids – Perfect Together
Elegantly simple ideas are often the best. And here’s a great example, brought to you by the folks at the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. Following a spate of police shootings of unarmed civilians and several chilling assassinations of on-duty officers, no one can deny there is major tension in cities across the nation. So,…
Read MoreWanted: A Better Understanding of When and Why Police Use Force
It has been more than two years since Ferguson, Missouri erupted into riots following the deadly police shooting of an unarmed teenager named Michael Brown. It was exactly two years ago this month that Tamir Rice, a 12-year old playing with a toy gun, was shot dead by a cop in Cleveland, Ohio. There have…
Read MoreTime For Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Retire
US Supreme Court justices are appointed to the highest court in the land for life. There Is no mandatory retirement age. But I would suggest it is time for 83-year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg to hang up her robe. We should all take a moment to acknowledge her long and spectacular legal career. Ginsburg has been…
Read MoreKeeping Track of Rogue Cops
Truth be told we do a pretty good job in this country keeping track of automobiles, doctors and teachers. We do a pretty lousy job keeping track of rogue police officers. That’s right, there is no comprehensive national system for tracking bad seed officers who should find another line of work. The result? So-called “gypsy…
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