Stop Serial Rapists by Promptly Testing Evidence


He raped an 8-year-old girl in 1984 and served four years in prison. He has now pleaded guilty to the 2016 rape of a 12-year-old girl. But for some reason the prosecutor agreed to plea bargain with William Dixon this time around agreeing he would go back to prison for only three years. Unconscionable in…

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Wanted: Patient Police Trained in De-Escalation Techniques

This nation has faced some tough law enforcement dilemmas in recent years. An increase in murders and drug and gang violence in several major cities, a breakdown in citizen’s respect for authority, police overreaction to situations – ignited either by a macho officer or by one who, honestly, fears for their safety – and, of…

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Wanted: Common Sense in the Jury Box


We should all have a profound respect for our jury system. In a justice system that is obviously not perfect, average citizens put their lives on hold to serve as jurors so defendants get a fair shot at impartiality. Jurors act as a counter balance to attorney’s legal maneuverings as they apply their common sense…

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Helping First Responders Respond More Safely

You know that emotionally satisfying feeling you get when you help someone in need? Aaron Negherbon gets that feeling every day. And now he’s doubling down on his generosity. In 2010, Negherbon established TroopsDirect after a college friend serving as a Marine commander Afghanistan told him of the dire need for lifesaving supplies and equipment.…

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What Are Your Flight Rights?

It seems every week we hear another airline horror story. A passenger involuntarily removed (dragged while bleeding and screaming) from a United Airlines flight. A woman juggling 15-month old twins reduced to tears after an American Airlines flight attendant reportedly whacked her with her own stroller, narrowly missing one of the babies. A couple, on…

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