Saying Goodbye to 2017, With High Hopes For 2018

Terror attacks on American soil, mass murders in church, widespread serial sexual assaults, unwarranted police shootings, continued gang activity in major cities, nationwide political schisms – news headlines during 2017 were both frightening and disheartening. So, will 2018 be any better? The truth? It depends on us.  All of us.

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Toys That Can Spy

Beware the holiday gifts that can spy on you. Sound like an overly dire warning, you say? Well, in this ever-more-internet-connected world it might surprise you how many of those wish list gifts come with a tantalizing lure for criminals. 

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Sanctuary City Policies Can Put Us All At Risk  

Laws are a necessary evil in civilized society. You obey the laws and the government will do its best to protect you and yours. But what happens when there’s a conflict between a state and a federal law? That is the situation across America today. So far six states: California, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, Oregon…

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