The Forgotten #MeToo and #Time’sUp Victims

In all the #MeToo talk about sexual harassment, assault and rape it dawns on me that one category of victim remains undiscussed, almost taboo to talk about:  the victims of childhood incest. Meet Elizabeth Spalter. Buoyed by today’s open conversation about sexual crimes Elizabeth wants the world to know her story. 

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Why Suspects May “All Look Alike” to an Eyewitness

How fair are criminal trials in America? How confident should we be that prosecutors have the right perpetrator and how much weight should be put on eyewitness identification of suspects? A growing number of states are now instructing their courts to encourage jurors to ask themselves these very questions. Many studies have exposed the frailties…

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 Mr. Session’s Doomed War on Pot

So, the federal government is going to crack down on pot, is it? Really? How exactly is that going to work?  There are, what, more than 30 states that have either decriminalized it in some way, legalized medicinal marijuana (with a doctor’s recommendation) or out-and-out agreed to make it legal for recreational use?* I’m thinking…

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Fighting the Opioid Epidemic From a Behind a Computer

Anyone remember when President Donald Trump declared America’s escalating epidemic of opioid addiction was “a national health emergency” that was ripping families apart? The announcement last October may have gotten lost given sheer amount of Trump news, but that declaration allowed the government to designate federal funds to fight the deadliest drug crisis this country…

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Keeping Guns Away From the Most Dangerous

 Hooray! America has just set a new record. Want to guess what it is? Record breaking high school math scores, you say? Nope. Maybe a record number of workers pulling themselves out of poverty or a banner year for a decline in infectious diseases? No and no. 

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