Shame on Washington For Allowing Immigration Mess to Fester

What was that all about? After months of defending his policy that separated children from their illegally immigrating parents, after searing images of crying children being held in chain link cages were met with howls of worldwide disapproval President Trump declared, “We want to keep families together. It’s very important.” Then he signed an executive…

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Taking Care of Kids Who Witness Death

Normally, small research studies don’t interest me much since they usually don’t include a large cross-section of participants. I mean, how can you reach a generalized conclusion if you have only questioned or studied 20 or 30 people, right? But a newly reported effort from the Boston Reentry Study group caught my attention. During a…

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A Citizen’s Letter to Robert Mueller

Dear Mr. Robert Mueller: I am neither a democrat or a republican. I am writing as a concerned American to beg you to reveal whether there is any end in sight for your Russia-Trump collusion investigation. We all want to know the truth behind whether President Trump or any of his associates colluded with the…

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Smart Homes Are Dumb

Smart Homes are dumb. There, I said it. I’m sure those involved in the almost half-billion dollar a year connected-home technology business in the United States won’t be happy with my statement but I’m sticking to my guns. So-called smart technology is not your friend.

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