Smart Homes Are Dumb
Smart Homes are dumb. There, I said it.
I’m sure those involved in the almost half-billion dollar a year connected-home technology business in the United States won’t be happy with my statement but I’m sticking to my guns. So-called smart technology is not your friend.
I know, I know. There are those who can’t imagine life without their voice activated gizmo that turns on lights, the heating and cooling system or their home entertainment center. Others brag about their “smart” refrigerator that scans items and lets them know when to buy more. There is even a “smart” mattress that “tracks over 15 factors about your sleep and health, including deep sleep, heart rate and respiratory rate,” according to its website.
But guess what.
All the information put into these technologies by you can then be extracted by law enforcement and used against you. This is not a maybe proposition, its already happening.
If you are one of the approximately 39 million Americans who walk in the door and give your speaker gadget a command like, “Turn on my lights and my music…” you should know the technology tapes your voice command and uploads it to a remote server while it deciphers what you want. If there is background conversation it tapes that and stores it as well.
Also potentially working against you are the “smart” utility meters many companies are now installing in or just outside residences across the country. These devices monitor a home’s water, electricity and gas consumption right down to the day and hour.

Bates’ Tech Turned Against Him – He Faced 40 Years in Prison
With all this in mind consider what happened to James Bates of Bentonville, Arkansas. After a night of heavy drinking and TV football, Bates phoned 911 to report that he’d found his friend, Victor Collins, floating face down in his outdoor hot tub, dead. When police arrived, they realized Bates’s house and yard were outfitted with smart technologies that likely could bear witness to what had happened. They began to investigate all the clues they could find – both physical and technological.
When police learned that Bates’s utility meter had measured water consumption between 1 and 3 a.m. far in excess of what he’d ever used before detectives deduced there had been a bloody struggle and Bates had used the outdoor hose to wash away the evidence. He was arrested for murder and faced up to 40 years in prison.
The Bentonville police also subpoenaed Amazon for the voice command files from Bates’s Alexa device to see if any conversations were captured from the night in question. Amazon stonewalled police, not wanting to upset a customer or set a time-consuming precedent, and finally an exasperated Bates voluntarily waived his right to keep the information private. Clever move because his Alexia recordings offered no suspicious information. The murder charge against Bates was ultimately dropped – after two years.
The point here, of course, is that your smart appliances could turn out to be an irrefutable witness against you.
Imagine the suspect who insists he was home in bed at the time of the crime. His smart mattress could prove he was lying. Or it could reveal he was home in bed shortly after the murder/hit and run/burglary tossing and turning with a much-elevated heart rate. Suspicious!
Imagine the person who tells police she was home eating a bowl of cereal when the crime occurred. But information from her smart refrigerator could turn her into a suspect if it showed she had been warned days earlier that she was out of milk.
I don’t want to live in a world where my appliances spy on me. You won’t ever catch me buying any of these highfalutin gadgets. I’m not swayed by the latest stats showing one in six Americans now have a smart speaker to which they can shout out commands. I already have a car that, literally, conducts surveillance on me every time I get behind the wheel, alerting me with “lane departure!” warnings if I stray an inch. There are already too many public cameras capturing my activity. Too many facial recognition devises at airports and other public places I go.
Nope, I don’t need to pay good money and invite into my home even more intrusions. And I will never understand those who don’t realize what they’re giving up when they join the Orwellian-like technological march toward self-imposed surveillance.
Voice activated appliances aren’t a lifestyle advancement like, say, the television remote that simply made life easier. Today’s costly play toys have embedded microphones that work both ways to capture your conversations and store them. And devices that measure your bodily functions, utility consumption or food intake can (and are) being used against you by technologically minded police officers. But what if those officers misinterpret the clues borne of this trendy new crime fighting tool?
I say turn on your own lights and spare yourself the potential for invasion of privacy.
Twitter Pal Wren Nightingale@Sciuradae writes:
Dang!! That’s one reason I put Alexa back in the box!!
Facebook Friend Rory Bennett writes:
“I don’t want to live in a world where my appliances spy on me.”
Bravo Diane Dimond Love it!
Facebook Friend Bill Voinovich writes:
Sorry, but that’s just too much technology to suit me…
I like to keep it simple…… and SAFER…..
Reader John Williams writes:
Thanks for your much needed and informative article, including the risks of voice-command devices. However, it was incomplete:
HACKING DANGER OF VOICE-COMMAND DEVICES: and others published this scientific paper in late 2017: “Inaudible Ultrasound Commands Can Be Used to Secretly Control Siri, Alexa, and Google Now”
– an expose’ of China’s Zheijang University research results on how voice-command devices can be easily hacked using ultrasounds.
Basically, audible commands are used to modulate an ultrasound carrier, which are then transmitted to the voice-command device. While humans can then no longer hear these commands, voice-command devices decouple (ie: filter) out the audio from the ultrasound, and then act on the audio commands with you totally unaware. Your device can then be secretly turned ON as a room surveillance device and you won’t even know it.
BIG PERSONAL SAFETY ADVANTAGE OF VOICE-COMMAND DEVICES: If you find an unknown or untrusted person inside your home or business, ringing your doorbell or loitering around your property, you command the device to record all that is going on, and/or call 911 or a trusted relative or neighbor. Or you have an accident in the room, and you can’t get up.
Or have a relative or friend watch you and your home when a home repair person or personal helper is in your home to make sure you are safe.
I know where you are coming from. I am an electronics engineer, and my cellphones are flip phones. After I turn them OFF, I place them inside a 100% metal box, and close the lid, so they cannot be activated or communicate until I open the box. When I Pause my laptop, I drape a piece of aluminum foil over it, which tremendously reduces the range that a hacker can be at to penetrate my computer’s built-in Wifi. I also use an A-B switch box to physically disconnect my Ethernet.
Best regards,
John Williams
Twitter Pal Jackie Morin@jackie_morin8 writes:
I have it in my home Diane & now I am thinking it has bloody ears. She does everything you want but I think she listens to conversations as well. The next thing you know…you have 50 emails to holiday destinations you talked about at dinner! Blimey!
Twitter pal Dawn Dix@DawnMDix writes:
Yikes! // Reminds me of a recent case where a man was cleared thanks to his fitbit
Reader Marilyn writes:
Thank you for your article on Smart Homes. I was not aware of the potential criminal evidence side of this technology. Added to your concerns about privacy, I would add that I know of no computers that do not exhibit glitches. Imagine what could happen to your utility bills, etc., aside from not only misused information in a criminal complaint, but wrong information to begin with! I could not agree with you more–some technology is helpful, but too much is too much!
Thanks for the informative and scary piece.
Reader Patrick Roache writes;
Hello Diane Dimond,
I could not agree more with your opinion of Smart Homes [for gullible homeowners]. My question is, what the hell is Amazon doing by holding all those voice recordings?
Please keep up the great work. (I disagreed with you once, perhaps on an immigration issue, and maybe half disagreed on another. I don’t even agree that much with myself on things I wrote a few years ago.)
Patrick Roache