Who Is The Next Mass Shooter

The news alerts us to another mass shooting at _________ fill in the blank. A school, a theater, on a busy street or at a shopping mall and we shake our heads in disbelief. What’s the toll this time – five dead? Ten? Twenty? Who would do such a heartless thing? And, isn’t there a…

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In Court Rich People Are Different Than Us

There are as many as 87 women who say Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted them in one way or another. Some charge they were forcibly raped by the 66-year-old ex-movie maker. The now disgraced Weinstein all but admitted his disreputable behavior in a recent interview when he, reportedly, said, “I did offer (women) acting…

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Every State Should Adopt ‘Second Look Sentencing’

Do you believe in second chances? To be more specific do you believe in second chances for convicted felons, even those sentenced to life in prison or life without the possibility of parole? Your answer probably depends on details about the original crime committed, right? You might say, “Yes” to a second chance for a…

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America at 242: A Nation of Self-Imposed Segregation

The editorial cartoon by artist Gary Varvel features what appears to be a bi-racial couple at the maître d’ podium at an upscale restaurant. The caption, quoting the pompous looking greeter, has stuck in my mind ever since I saw the cartoon in my local newspaper. “Dinner for two…Liberal or Conservative Section?” Yes. This is…

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Let’s Drain the Congressional Money Spending Swamp

Whether you believe the involvement of the federal government in our every day lives is a good thing or a bad thing I’m betting we can all agree on one thing. Lawmakers in Washington continue to misspend our money, big time. There ought to be a law but there isn’t. Pork Barrell politics is still…

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