Archive for November 2018
More Presidential Pardons for People, Please
Hey, if Peas and Carrots can get a presidential pardon how about the thousands of Americans waiting in line for similar consideration? We recently saw the traditional – some might call it corny and meaningless – spectacle of the President pretending to pardon rotund turkeys to insure they don’t wind up on someone’s Thanksgiving table.…
Read MoreThe First Step in the Fight for Criminal Justice Reform
So, did you hear? Democrats and Republicans in Washington have promised to cooperate in finding solutions for the country’s lingering problems! After the mid-term elections they promised they would try really, really hard to work together. Color me skeptical. But there is one legislative area where there does seem to be honest bipartisan collaboration: criminal…
Read MoreRecord Voter Turnout – But We Can Do Even Better
Phew. The midterm elections are over! You voted, right? Yes? Great. For those who did not join the record-breaking throngs that either cast an early ballot or turned out on election day – you missed out. Voting is one of America’s greatest civil rights and it, gloriously, brings us all together – old, young, people…
Read MoreEqual Justice #ForAll
Consider the fates of two prominent Americans, comedian Louis C.K. and former President Bill Clinton. Both have been accused of serious sexual misconduct. But unlike the comedian, whose recent tiptoe back into show business has been met with howls of protest, Mr. Clinton continues to enjoy public adulation. In this #MeToo era of enlightenment how…
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