Archive for December 2018
In 2019, This Pope Needs a Reality Check
During this holiest of Christian seasons who could ignore the latest statements of Pope Francis speaking about the festering child sex abuse scandal within his church? In a Christmas address he spoke of priests who “prey like wolves on their flock,” and a clergy “ready to devour innocent souls.” “To those who abuse minors, I…
Read MoreHere’s to New Year Filled With Civility and Less Crime
Professor P. M. Forni, 67, died earlier this month in Towson, Maryland. He was born in Bologna, Italy and became a proud U.S. citizen and educator. I didn’t know the man personally, but I am sad to hear that he is gone. Forni was one of the last clarion voices to advocate for civility among…
Read MoreFamilies, Kids and a Flawed Law
This column is dedicated to issues of crime and justice. But this time of year, it seems out of place to talk about murders, wrongful convictions, child abuse, the scourge of drugs and all the other topics I usually opine about in this space. Because this is the pre-Christmas season, I’d like this column to…
Read MoreMass Murder Compensation Compliments of Uncle Sam
The Department of Justice has announced it’s sending the last installment – nearly $17 million of a total $20 million – to aid survivors of last October’s deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada. The toll from that sniper attack was 58 dead and some 600 physically injured* after a lone gunman took up a…
Read MoreDo Migrants Really Commit More Crimes?
We hear so much these days about the migrant caravan straining to cross into the U.S. Media reports focus on the immigrants’ desire for a better life, the desperation that led hundreds of them to throw rocks and storm the border at Tijuana and the tear gas that forced them back into Mexico. And we…
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