Who Commits Suicide?

As odd as it might seem suicide used to be against the law in the United States. Odd because how in the world could you punish a dead person for taking that final, fatal act? Still, some states continue to have laws on the books labeling attempted suicide as a criminal act, although prosecutions have…

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If You Share Your DNA, Should You Expect Privacy?

Imagine a day when hardly anyone is able to get away with murder. Think about that. If there were a way to almost guarantee a killer would be discovered and punished wouldn’t the murder rate go into freefall decline? Frivolous thinking, you say? Well, consider the forensic crime fighting advances that have been developed in…

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Facebook Needs to Face Facts on Criminal Behavior

Say you invented something that became so popular more than a billion people across the planet used it. Wow, you’d be famous worldwide and one of the richest people on earth! But then, say, you discovered some of your customers were criminals using your product in nefarious ways. Terrorists were using it to communicate deadly…

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This Impeachment Won’t Work

This is not a column about impeaching our current president. This is a column about the impeachment process and the history of the legal route our nation is obliged to follow to oust a federal official. In the 231 years since the U.S. Constitution was ratified, Congress has seriously considered impeachment only a handful of…

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