Romance Can Turn Brutal – Especially For The Children

If you’re the typical U.S. consumer you just shelled out money to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Collectively Americans spend multiple billions each year on candy, flowers, jewelry or some other gift to spark romance with a loved one. Historians agree the celebration likely began in ancient Roman times with the mid-February fertility festival called Lupercalia.

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We Deserve A Smarter War on Drugs

Did we learn nothing from the so-called crack cocaine plague of the 80’s and 90’s? For those with fuzzy memories, the media back then erroneously and breathlessly declared that crack use had reached epidemic proportions. Newsweek declared crack was “the most addictive drug known to man!” The full truth would eventually come out. Crack was…

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The Government Can Take Your Money for No Reason

If you carry too much cash the federal government can take it away from you. Yep, you read that right. If an agency, like the Transportation Safety Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration or U.S. Customs and Border Protection finds someone carrying large amounts of cash they can confiscate it by simply declaring it to be…

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