Murder as a Public Service?
On the evening of May 14, 2020 in Omaha, Nebraska James Fairbanks went to the home of Mattieo Condoluci and shot him dead. Candoluci, 64, was a twice convicted pedophile and Fairbanks, 43, had spent years working with troubled kids in the Omaha Public School system.
After the body was discovered the dead man’s daughter, Amanda Henry, was quoted saying, “Murdering my dad was a horrible thing but children are much safer now.”
Fairbanks is now charged with first degree murder.

During an emotional phone call with Amanda she told me of her father’s death, “I was relieved. It finally happened. It’s over. It has been hell.”
And then Amanda told me what life had been like with Mattieo Condoluci.
“I was beaten and raped by my own father for years,” she said. “The man who was supposed to protect me instead belittled, humiliated and tortured me until I finally escaped at age 19.” This, she told me, is why she is now supporting the man who killed her father.

“James Fairbanks answered a 27-year-long prayer for me,” Amanda said. “He was there when the police weren’t there. He did something when the police didn’t.”
Amanda described how her mother had fought valiantly to maintain custody of her two-year-old daughter but lost touch when Condoluci took off with the toddler.
While Amanda has tried to block out much of her early nomadic years with Dad – they moved to several different cities in California, Florida, New Mexico, Iowa and Nebraska—she remembers her father routinely preyed on single mothers with young children. “He would find a lost soul, bring her home and then do his devil’s work,” she said.
In 1994, Condoluci pleaded no contest in Florida to molesting the five-year-old son of a woman he was dating. His sentence? Four years probation. In 2006, by then relocated to Nebraska, Condoluci was sentenced to five years in prison for sexually assaulting the 12-year-old daughter of another woman in his life. He served less than two years.

Around the same time Amanda says she was befriended by a licensed counselor and foster mother who encouraged her to report her father to the Omaha Police Department. Amanda says Omaha PD told her she had waited too long, the statute of limitations had run out.
Today others, most notably two of Amanda’s female cousins, have posted on a “Free James Fairbanks” Facebook page that they were sexually abused by “Uncle Matt” and they are supporting his killer. One told me, “I was raped till I was 13 years old. It started when I was 7.”
In a confession Fairbanks distributed to the local media before his arrest he explained that while looking for a new apartment he had checked the sex registry for a particular neighborhood and found Candoluci’s name. Fairbanks admitted he had watched the convict pretending to wash his car while ogling a group of children playing in the street.

“I felt sick to my stomach,” Fairbanks wrote. “I researched him more and more and found he had victimized dozens of kids in different states. (He) had a playground set in his backyard.” Because of his work with victimized kids, Fairbanks said, “I couldn’t in good conscience allow him to do it to anyone else while I had the means to stop him.”
Total strangers are sending money to Fairbank’s jailhouse account, thousands have signed petitions calling for Fairbanks to be pardoned – unlikely at this point since he hasn’t been convicted of anything. Many are saying simply that Fairbanks should not spend another night in lockup, that he did the community a favor.
This case challenges society’s ethics and our own morals. It underscores the failure of statute of limitations laws because as any victim of childhood sex abuse will tell you they get no reprieve from a lifetime of trauma. The case also highlights those
disappointing sex registries that are clogged with the names of teenage Romeos and public urinators but fail to focus strict surveillance on career pedophiles and rapists.
The case leaves us with the unsettling idea that sometimes – when those in authority fail to protect – murder could be seen as a public service.
In that instance, should the murderer get a pass?

Reader Tim Taylor writes:
A most interesting column today. A lot of moving parts.
A few years ago my sister’s granddaughter (15 y/o) was raped by her 18 y/o stepbrother during a supposedly safe overnight with her step-grandmother, the mother of the perp.
My sister and I grew up in the small-town Rocky Mountain West. There was no law enforcement presence in our towns, only a sheriff’s deputy who would have to drive 38 miles to our tiny burg. What does this mean, you might ask? What it means is vigilante justice for many circumstances.
My sister and I chatted at length about our youngster who had suffered this outrage. It was clear to me, that as one of her male relatives, I had the responsibility to redress the offense. Having grown up in the rural West, the notion of arriving in the appropriate vicinity with due caution, both the perp and his mother could be easily dispatched, and I would likely get away with it.
My sister turned out more civilized that I am and she prevailed. She drew in the machinery of the State of Maryland, and social services were deployed for her granddaughter who responded very well. The perp and his mother were allowed to go unfettered due to the girl’s decision to not “press charges.” What a joke, eh?
Does this mean anything today? Probably not. You ask in today’s column, “… should the murderer get a pass?” Presumably, Mr. Condoluci will go to trial. I would guess that jury nullification could be very likely.
I said there are a lot of moving parts. What are they, if we decide to drill into this?
* This was clearly vigilante justice. I get it. I’m not even bothered by it.
* Jury nullification – would that not be simply a “civilized” form of vigilante justice?
* When I grew up out in the wilds of Wyoming, it was the male members of families, the fathers, brothers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins, who went as a group to exact “justice” when family females were mishandled.
* The White Male Patriarchy! The women never participated in exacting “justice.” One could even say that much of this vigilante justice was built on the notion that the men reacted out of being offended because their “property” had been invaded.
* A related issue – politicians who run on “being tough on crime,” and the resulting draconian penalties for all sorts of trivial offenses, as you mentioned, urinating in public, being sixteen and having consensual sex with your fifteen y/o girlfriend.
As someone once said, the veneer of civilization is very thin. And nothing is perfect. But our institutions must retain at least a semblance of legitimacy, must they not?
Who failed Amanda Henry? It’s a long list, isn’t it? Her mother? The neighbors, other community onlookers? Certainly the police force and the politicians who throw urinators in prison while allowing Mattieo walk free. But, by God, NOT James Fairbanks. James, bless his heart, got Justice.
It will be fascinating to see this play out. Will James get off, via jury nullification? Or does it even matter? What will change? Will your column cause any group of politicians to “get tougher on crime” and thereby remove the statutes of limitations on rape, child abuse, and perhaps public urination?
Diane, I don’t think that the answer to your question matters. If James gets off, or he doesn’t, nothing much will change. Women, children and people of color will continue to live in fear. Fear of bad people, and unfortunately, fear of the very folks who should shield us from bad people will continue for them.
I’ve never gotten over Victoria Martens – where in God’s Name is “justice?” Bring James Fairbanks – we need him. Vigilante justice contains a certain crispness, focus and closure to it. And my family’s perp, and his mother? The world would be a better place without them.
These days it strikes me that there is only one fundamental question, “What kind of country do we want to live in?” For myself, I would like to see legitimacy baked into our institutions. Does the arc of civilization bend toward a better day? Mostly I despair.
Times are tough. Too many of our fellow citizens have never read a history book. Too many of us think we are immune to the erosion of our polite society.
Thanks for the column today, Diane.
Your friend, Tim.
Not everyone on the registry preys on children or commit crimes against children. Although I empathize with those who’ve been victimized themselves as I was a victim too and still carry animosity towards my abusers, we can’t justify using the registry as means to attack people. Condoluci wasnt given due process for any of the crimes in this article aside from what he’s been convicted of and to assume he would do it again based off the emotionally distraught and clearly mentally unstable James’ is pro-ponderous. We can’t punish people for crimes they “might commit.” THATS not American or acceptable. We’re all guilty of doing something wrong at some point in our lives.
Amanda has been a stripper for years and her credibility is questionable at most. How can you be for the execution of someone that commits sex crimes when you make a living in the sex industry. Let’s be real here
I agree that there are many accusations that have been made that cannot be substantiated. For one thing, just because Mr. Fairbanks says that Mr. Concoluci was pretending to wash a truck to supposedly watch children that he might assault, does not mean that Mr. Fairbanks’ interpretation was correct. It has been well-documented that Mr. Fairbanks has some mental problems. There have been other statements thrown out there that have not been substantiated but have made for higher ratings in the media.
My biggest concern, though, is that other people on the registry will become targets. Mr. Condoluci possibly could have been a person whom society would have been better off if he had been placed in prison for life, but the vast majority of people on the registry are one-time-only offenders. All current research (including the U. S. Department of Justice) shows that the re-offense rate of a released inmate committing a second sexual offense is in the single digits. There are hundreds of thousands of registrants in this country who are working hard to reintegrate back into society as law-abiding citizens. You never hear about them in the media, only the small minority who are truly horrible. That is because only the horrific stories bring the high ratings for the media, making people think that everyone on the registry is like that. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Reader J Louton writes:
Unlike the “authorities”, Fairbanks did a lot of research before he decided to stop the predator.
Put him on probation and let the predators suffer instead of the children. Exercise more discretion next time, Mr. Fairbanks.
Reader Frank G writes:
I say free Fairbanks! The corrupt system failed all the kids he raped and abused.
Reader Richard Spooner writes:
Sounds like a clean kill….
Reader john johnston writes:
There are estrogen shots and snip snip. Nuff said!
Reader Mjs413 writes:
Our courts never give these pedophiles enough time, this is why they can continue like they do.
I always figure “birds of a feather flock together “, and apparently the folks in the courts don’t have a problem with these sickos and it shows.
DD replies to MJS413:
Or maybe, MJS413, the courts just don’t see the difference between a career pedophile like Condoluci and a teenager who gets charged because the parents of his 16 year old girlfriend reported him to police. We’ve got to start zeroing in on the true predators in society, IMHO.
Reader Brian Bell writes:
Sounded like a public service to me.
So hey, let’s pass a bill that hires ‘public service killers’. Let the justice system set the criminals free and use the taxpayers money to pay the ‘public service killers’ to murder them as soon as they hit the streets!! Oh… but wait….that would mean murderers have to be killed too, and anyone who sold drugs that overdosed on them should be killed too, and oh…..let’s not forget the repeat drunk that had one too many AGAIN after he had been caught multiple times, and killed a father or mother with his car.
Sounds like these public service killers could make a lot of money fast and put the justice system out of business.
Reader timmerritt2004 writes:
Any man who molests a child ought to be shot. Period. Problem with our Society today is partially a result of oh it’s OK to be gay, or oh it’s OK to want to be a boy if you are a girl, or it’s OK to be a girl if you are a boy….Insanity breeds Contempt, Corruption, Complicit Behavior, Indecency, and some Judges, mind you I said some, need to be put in a Cage as they let some of this Insanity keep on and on…..
Reader Vincent F. Amen@VincentFAmen writes:
Good thought provoking article. My position is we always have to abide by the law.If there is a known pedofile then he must be watched, especially a repeat offender.Can one use constant surveillance, that’s another legal question.If both are illegal, one has to wait till next act
Reader Christopher Dukas writes:
I think vigilantism is a slippery and perilous slope
Reader Chandra Bozelko writes:
Diane, I respect your work but this is problematic. For one, no one gets convicted of pedophilia. Second, to recommend extrajudicial killing of someone convicted/accused of a crime is not how the American justice system works. It’s not a public service to take anyone’s life.
Diane replies to Chandra:
As to your first point: the dead man was convicted of sexual assault on at least two children in two different states AND suspected in many more sexual assaults on children. By any definition he was a person afflicted with pedophilia. Convicted + pedofile = a convicted person who was found guilty of pedophilia. To your second point, I am not recommending “extrajudicial killing”. I’ve reported what happened and asked for readers opinions: Was it cold blooded murder or did the killer do society a favor?
Reader Baxter Porter VI writes:
I think a better question is:
If the man he killed was ***known*** to be a *dangerous sex predator*, then why was he allowed to roam freely in society?
Diane Dimond replies:
Bingo, Baxter! I have information that local authorities in Omaha had received recent reports of this man’s sexual contact with children. However, it cannot be officially confirmed because of privacy laws designed to keep the child safe. He was a registered sex offender against children yet I found no indication he was being watched or even visited by police.
Reader Richard Hydell writes:
An eye for a eye ..
Diane replies to Richard:
“…and soon the whole world is blind…”
Reader Cliff Darnell writes:
Killing is wrong … Yet it goes on everyday.
As Americans continue to slide back into a third world country school yard Justice will become more common. Our judicial system and judges have failed us.
Reader Chris Anderson writes:
Give him a medal
Reader Reader Joan Stepp Smith writes:
Possibly two realities at once: Yes, absolutely, cold blooded murder. Yes, removal from society that prevents reoffending is a benefit to society (if one places no moral charge on the underlying method of removal which as I understand the question didn’t require a moral overlay) —
Reader Jeannette Albarran writes:
He did society a favor. There is no cure for being a child predator, other than death.
Reader Kurt K Guy writes:
It is cold blooded murder, but…….. plea insanity. Years of working in that field and hearing horrible story after story can’t be good for your mental health.
I did a research paper on pedophiles long ago and read a book on interviews the author had with pedophiles. It was deeply disturbing. They victimize many before ever getting caught.
To share a pedophiles story of how cold and calculating they are.
A teenage pedophile was looking for his next victim when new neighbors moved in. He seen his opportunity. You see they were a young couple with a young child. The father would often go on business trips.
The pedophile began his plot.
He noticed the husband was gone again on a business trip so he cut the neighbors growing grass without being asked. KNOWING they would attempt to reward him and they did. They offered him money. He kindly declined and stated that he does baby sit for money …. so keep him in mind.
They unfortunately took him up on the baby sitting and he began to molest their child.
By the pedophiles own admission this was All planned.
They are predators and there is no cure.
He did society a favor at a great cost to himself, both physically and mentally.
He did society a service. Insanity … time served.
Reader Robin Haines Kaehr writes:
Pedophiles are never rehabilitated. They shouldn’t be free to roam. I don’t know the answer; I don’t advocate vigilantism, but am I sorry he’s dead? Not so much.
Reader Dan Dominick Mahan writes:
As much as I would love to say yes he’s a hero for killing a child rapist ! The law school student within me knows this is so wrong on so many levels! Could you imagine if we just allowed people to kill ? The vast amount of innocent people that would be murdered for god knows what reasons /// The scary thing about this is look at how many actually live amongst us ? Remember chris Hanson’s show with that crazy kitchen to catch a predator & look at the network of multi millionaires attached to Epstein ! This is scary to think about
Reader Rick Black writes:
We can’t get criminal convictions because aggressive and self serving lawyers have perverted the system to ensure the guilty often go free or are never investigated. On the flip side those same aggressive and self serving lawyers have perverted our equity courts to convict the innocent to serve their greed.
We clearly have a problem with the judiciary nationwide that is motivating many honest and outraged citizens to take the law into their own hands. #GeorgeFloyd, #TravonMartin, #JamesFairbanks
Reader Peter Bishop writes:
It’s an interesting moral dilemma. On one hand we have society looking after itself by taking out a predator who has broken one of our most important and basic taboos (yay us!) … but on the other hand we are supporting the lynching of someone without due process… which is an anathema to most civilized people. Unfortunately, everyone knows deep-down that the judicial process is broken and there’s an underlying fear that some smart-arsed lawyer will get him off because he was read his rights ten minutes too late. Obviously the question is raised to make us look at this balance… this apparent contradiction. So… are we more afraid of a Star Chamber and the problems of summary justice… or by the failings of the judicial system as it is?
The simplistic answer is to let the system do its thing… and if he walks away on a technicality… then take the bastard out.
Reader Jodi Crisera Kelly writes:
What we’re the circumstances? Did he catch him in the act, was he attacked by this individual, because he confronted him, etc.? If none of these things and he just killed him, he’ll get charged with murder and most likely plead down.
Diane replies to Jodi:
From what I gathered Fairbanks knocked on the man’s door and when he answered he shot him and walked away. The dead man had been sitting in his living room watching television right before the knock on the door.
Reader Sue Anderson writes:
He did us all a favor! God Bless him!
Reader Elaina Deva Proffitt writes:
I have counseled so many grieving traumatized mothers whose child was murdered and raped and I’ve heard their answer it is still.
Reader Pat Melchionno writes:
Cold blooded murderer who did society a favor!!!
Reader Steve Liddick writes:
The Constitution guarantees due process. This man denied a person that right. Agreed, the world is a better place without the man he killed, but we cannot pick and choose over Constitutional rights—even the ones we don’t like or agree with. Justice is not always applied as it should be, but without law there would be chaos. The answer is, yes he is a cold-blooded murder and, no society is done no favor when we forget that we a nation of laws.
Reader Drew Rutberg writes:
While one less pedophile is never a bad thing but this is not how we do things. I understand the urge but urges and actions are two separate things. We have a court system. That system is there for a purpose. If people don’t like child molesters living near them ( I for one do not) than lobby your state legislature for longer prison sentences for pedo and hebaphiles. Lobby for when released from prison they live their lives out in a mental institution. Vigilantism opens the door to lawless society no matter who thinks they deserved it.
Reader Phil Brodsky writes:
The killer may have done society a favor but it is still murder
Reader Cheryl L Bullock writes:
No one should have the right to kill another…watching him and catching him in an act another thing
Reader Debra Garnett writes:
Did us a a mother of a molested child..34 yrs later she’s still in therapy..and he’s free as a bird..
Reader Chantelle Rogers Rodriguez writes:
Well of course he did society a favor , but then we make up our own rules according to our personal bias. Is vigilante justice right ? If so under what circumstances? Do we pick and choose. Why didn’t he get justice ” the right way”? And how does this bring justice. The children are already damaged. He’s not protecting them. He’s dealing with his emotions with Violence.
Depending on what page America is on that day. Is heated emotional passion violence acceptable ?
In my opinion, he should NOT get a pass. We would not stand for the state taking someone’s life without due process, so why should a citizen get away with it? There are several other outcomes, however, that I wouldn’t mind: the DA choosing not to press charges, the jury returning a non-guilty verdict, the judge setting aside a guilty verdict, or the judge sentencing Fairbanks to probation or time-served. All these outcomes fall within our existing legal framework.
Reader Wendei Melnick Smith writes:
Wish someone would’ve done it to the man who molested me as a kid.
Reader Chantelle Rogers Rodriguez replies to Wendei Melnick Smith
I hear that alot. I hate him but also my mom she knew. Him getting off doesn’t undo it for me. I don’t think it would make me feel better. I know we all have our own feelings on the matter. I guess for me I’d like to see more protection of kids instead of answering the violence ( which is how I feel about my experience ) with more violence. I think that makes the caregiver feel better but maybe not all the victims.
My abuser is an old man riddled with cancer. He has no power over me and he’ll be gone soon. But the systems that leave kids vulnerable have not changed since the 70’s in my opinion . I’m sorry for what you went through..
Reader Roy Merritt writes:
It depends on how the killing happened. If he was under attack, or was in the presence of an attack on another, and if calling for law enforcement would be too late to help the victim???
Diane replies to Roy:
The shooters confession states that he approached the man’s home, knocked on the door and when he answered the shooter shot him dead. He said he left the front door open and heard the television blaring inside the house. This killing did not take place during the commission of a crime.
Reader Daryll Chester writes:
Its murder.
Reader Kim Winton writes:
Both ideas at once. How about he did society a favor by killing the offender in cold blood.
Reader John Redwood writes:
Thank you for raising this issue Diane, and for provoking thoughtful dialogue with your excellent article.
These are important questions
Reader Joe Woehnker writes:
Unfortunately, vigilantism may often not serve justice to the proper perpetrator. That is why it is outlawed. Plus, if it becomes acceptable, it will perpetuate more vigilantism. Eventually we will no longer have a functioning rule of law. However, in this case, I’d say the actions were well served. I don’t like saying it, but the example needs to be set that vigilantism is not acceptable because we will become a lawless society.
Reader rmcluvsghs@RobinC95596478 writes:
Public service
Reader Lisa Brown writes:
Reader Danielle Ledesma Gretz writes:
Good riddance!
Reader lpz_tv writes:
100% with his own daughter on this.
Reader grandma1949 writes:
Reader joejam2845 writes:
Definitely a Public Service
Reader Nancy Spieker Robel writes:
He did do society a great justice. I think child abuse is one of the most horrific crimes that, if proven guilty, one should never get out of prison.
But of course, Fairbanks committed murder under the letter of the law. But oh, how our justice system fails us. It may take years to gather evidence, go to court, have one delay after another, then appeal, get early release for good behavior or released because of a pandemic.
But the good guy takes a definitive action for an absolute moral reason, for the “spirit” of the law, Bam, off you go. There should be leniency for this man. We have to discourage vigilantism, but sometimes…If he’d gotten to one of my grandkids and the system had failed, well, I’d hope you’d put money on my books DD.
“Sex Registry clogged with public urinators”
Say it again Diane! Say it again!
The sex registry list are becoming a joke and that is scary. A couple got put on it for being drunk and making out on a beach. This was not the intention of the sex registry list.
Why aren’t we chemically castrating these monsters? (For those of you who don’t know, it just means giving men birth control)
As for the man who shoot the child molester.. did he not think of his own kids who will be there for them? That’s my only concern.
Fairbanks is a cold blooded murderer. If we are going to excuse his crime, then we may as well declare an open hunting season on child molesters and just stop all of the talking about it. What is that Cable series called? – “The Purge”? Well, why not?
Reader Cliff Sasaki writes:
Hi Diane,
I just viewed the video clip of Mattieo’Condoluci’s daughter (Amanda Henry) explain how she was abused all of her childhood life by her father. Yes, James Fairbanks should not be given a harsh sentence since according to Amanda, she was relieved when she heard her father had died. James Fairbanks should be given a very short jail sentence and long probation (maybe with hundreds of hours community service) so that others will not go around indiscriminately killing pedophiles. Pedophiles should be given harsher sentences. No more “statute of limitations”.
No. Pardoning vigilante violence sends a message to the public that murdering even reprehensible people is acceptable sends society into chaos by opening a Pandora’s Box of further violence down the line. Because by doing so will unleash private citizens against another over perceived grievances and fears. You will no longer be able to put the violence back once it’s unleashed.