A Cop on Trial for Murder and the World is Watching
As a child I was taught to respect authority figures. As it was explained to me clergy, teachers, police officers and others helped shape and maintain a just society. To this day, I still have a profound respect and appreciation for the 99% of law enforcement officers who, literally, put their lives on the line every day to keep the rest of us safe.
But then there is that 9 minute 29 second video of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of the handcuffed George Floyd.
It is heartbreaking to realize that the officer stayed in that position – trapping an already subdued suspect – for several minutes after the prone man had stopped breathing.
Officer Chauvin ignored onlookers’ pleas for him to stop. He refused to move even as paramedics tried to take Floyd’s pulse and announced there wasn’t one. Chauvin stayed still until emergency personnel insisted they needed to move the body onto a stretcher. Three other Minneapolis police officers stood watch but did not, or could not, convince their more senior officer to let up on the man suspected of passing a counterfeit $20 bill.

Human beings are fallible and some are afflicted with an arrogant desire to dominate others. Police officers are not immune. After Floyd resisted attempts to load him into a police car was it the need to dominate that motivated Chauvin? Or did the stress of being on the job for 19 years and the anxiety of yet another stressful situation momentarily cloud Chauvin’s judgement?
There is much riding on the motivation question. Following Floyd’s death last Memorial Day, worldwide demonstrations erupted condemning police brutality. Now, the world is watching the outcome of Chauvin’s trial and those who protested are expecting a guilty verdict. If it doesn’t come we should steel ourselves for another round of mass street protests. Some could turn violent.
A multiracial jury of 9 women and five men has been empaneled to decide whether former officer Chauvin is guilty of manslaughter or murder. Many are wondering how the jury could fail to convict the videotaped officer who looked so detached while the man beneath his knee repeatedly begged for mercy saying, “I can’t breathe, please!” and “I’m about to die.” And two autopsies concluded Floyd’s cause of death was “homicide.”

But, as the defense explained during opening statements, George Floyd had a history of opioid addiction and he tried to hide drugs he was holding that day by quickly swallowing them during the arrest. The medical examiner found a hefty dose of fentanyl in Floyd’s system, traces of recent methamphetamine use and noted he suffered from hypertension, heart disease and at least one artery was “approximately 75 percent blocked.” Floyd also tested positive for Covid-19. He was hardly a healthy man.
And, the judge approved a defense request to show “dramatic video” from 2019 with “incredible” similarities during a previous Floyd arrest. It reportedly shows Floyd resisting officers, swallowing pills during the arrest and becoming so agitated that paramedics ordered hospitalization because “his blood pressure was so high that he was at risk for stroke or heart attack.”
Facts like these could sway a jury to choose the lesser manslaughter charge or even vote for acquittal.
The history of manslaughter/murder charges against cops is clear. Juries most frequently give the benefit of the doubt to the person who wore a badge. Since 2005, 121 officers have been arrested on manslaughter or murder charges following on-duty killings. Of the 95 cases that have wound their way through the justice system just 44 were convicted.

“Sometimes the use of police force looks really bad,” Chauvin’s attorney, Eric Nelson, said in court the other day. And with citizen cell phone cameras everywhere the public often gets to see it. But, Nelson noted, force is necessary because cornered suspects frequently fight back, hurt officers and can escape into the community.
This case should in no way tarnish the 99% of selfless law enforcement officers. As for Chauvin, it is up to this jury – after listening to all the evidence – to decide who was at fault that day. A suspect who fought back during an arrest or a seemingly uncaring officer who failed to see a citizen on the brink of death.

Jack Skinner writes:
Thank you for including the testimony discussing extenuating circumstances. These facts are never
reported by CNN.
Jacque Skinner
Las Cruces, NM
All the defense has to do is to take a healthy individual and recreate the event. He will get up off the floor, fit as a fiddle.
Clayton DeFields writes:
This entire fiasco could have been avoided if George Floyd had simply followed the police officers’ instructions. The verdict will almost have to be a guilty one for Derek Chauvin, otherwise mass rioting by ANTIFA thugs, and their ilk,will add millions of dollars of additional damage to the damage they already caused over last summer. If Derek Chauvin is indeed found guilty, I still wouldn’t rule out rioting in the streets, vandalism and general mayhem. There will be no peaceful end to this spectacle.
Diane…you are smoking hot. And a great writer. Marry me.
The Dems are not our enemy, its the 1% writes:
Police officers in this country have stressful jobs. I think it’s right that we do our best to give the officers the benefit of doubt. However, this does not mean that all police behavior is beyond punishment.
The jury will decide Officer Chauvin’s fate.
Personally, I believe the officer is guilty of 2nd degree murder. I sure as heck can see why he might have been pissed off at Floyd’s hysterics, however, it does not give him the right to murder him. In my mind it’s simple, is it reasonable to assume that leaning on someone’s neck for 9 minutes might kill them? Is it reasonable to assume that when a handcuffed person is lying on their back (sic), it is no longer necessary to keep your knee on their neck? Is it reasonable to assume that when a person stops breathing you should take your knee off their neck?
The coroner said cause of death was asphyxiation so it’s seems pretty clear a foot cutting off his oxygen supply might be the cause. Even in the very unlikely event that Floyd’s lifestyle contributed to weakening him enough that Chauvis foot was able to kill him is a specious argument . If you decide to punch an guy in the face as hard as you can and the guy dies because he’s weakened from stage 4 cancer, should you get off because if you punched a healthy guy, he would have been fine?
Michael Kellogg writes:
Good grief could you be more biased here? In the first couple paragraphs you put Chauvin into the “1%” category of bad cops and you reiterate that at the end.
As you point out (but apparently are not swayed at all by), Floyd had a ton of Fentanyl in his system. A lethal dose, in fact. And meth. And had been yelling “I can’t breathe” way before Chauvin entered the picture (likely caused by the drug overdose). Chauvin’s attorney on Wednesday showed video from other angles and got two of the prosecution’s own police witnesses to agree that it was clear Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s shoulder, not on his neck. And no medical person has ever claimed that there was any damage done to Floyd’s neck area at all.
So slow your roll and repeat after me: “Innocent until proven guilty.” That’s how we do things in this country.
dbwhitehill2 writes:
I don’t know how you can blame his demise on officer when the drugs in his system contributed to his death and his fight not to be cuffed… this was his failed decision and probably would not have gone down the way it did.
I feel for his family but this racial crap needs to stop being the reason for everything that is wrong with the world, I am not a racist and the people I know are not racist, liberals can’t control you if they can’t feed the hate and fears of those they want to control.
Please everyone realize what you’re doing
Reid Mitchell writes:
Points that cannot be ignored:
1. Excessive Resisting Arrest
2. Excessive Drug Ingested
It is very sad and unfortunate that Chauvin acted abhorrently cruel and thoughtless.
But equally sad and unfortunate, the fact remains Floyd acted as a madman in excessive resistance to police.
The saddest and most unfortunate fact is Floyd had ingested enough Fentanyl to Kill him regardless of any police action.
sueshe9 writes:
Visit Minneapolis before it disappears under a pile of ashes.
Old Boy Scout writes:
Do not resist lawful orders from the police. If you do resist you risk injury and death.
Floyd made bad choices. With malicious intent. It amounted to petty effort and resulted in his death; that does not exonerate his misconduct.
Officer Chauvin did his best to protect society from a menace. Other 1st responders were on the same page – Floyd was resisting in every way he could.
The blather repeated in this article, that the restraint of a drugged criminal tarnishes law enforcement, is cowardice in the face of consequence.
Fund and defend the police.
The anti-cop / pro-welfare “truthy” narrative being pushed by MSM is what tarnishes our society.
Floyd, filled with illegal drugs, was already on his way to dying.
The police officer was only acting as he was taught. OK, Diane Dimond, what would you have done in the officer’s place?
John writes:
No, they did not conclude “homicide.”. If you would bother to read the autopsy you would know that he had no bruising associated with excess pressure being used AND his lungs weighed THREE TIMES what they should have, a result of a Fentanyl Overdose.
The officer just had the misfortune of being near this drug addict when he died.
Diane Dimond replies:
You are incorrect. The word “homicide” under CAUSE OF DEATH is clearly visible in both the official Medical Examiner’s autopsy and an independent autopsy done for the family. I did bother to read both. – DD
Anais Nin writes:
Should this not be a lesson for thugs that when the police puts you in handcuffs or in their car just comply !
But no , the protesters want the lesson to be : if cornered by police just resist enough and they let you walk . We’re is the woke crowd on asking how do you hold a resisting thug ???
Jehu Ben-Nimri writes:
Absolutely DISGUSTING hit-job not defending this innocent police officer Derek Chauvin.
Hey you, Dianne Dimond: Have you ever worked a job where things could go wrong? Or are you still living in your pretty perfect world where all the blue collar men are shielding you from the harsh reality of the actions good men have to take to combat evil on a daily basis? Sure, the one video makes it look bad. But there’s another video. And in the whole context, we KNOW he not only didn’t do any wrong, but he went further and actively did the right thing.
Derek Chauvin is morally more righteous than you.
H M Hargrove writes:
I suspect Chauvin initially thought “Let him die”, as he knew the guy and realized what a useless individual he was. That, of course knowing then what he knows now about the druggie, was before he realized that the dude actually could die on his watch.
Probably an involuntary manslaughter conviction in the offing because of that attitude…
Before you judge a police officer walk in there shoes for a week if your innocent you will be on your way if not comply or you might die
Kyle Betz writes:
No matter the outcome riots from BLM and Antifa will take center stage!
Truth Matters writes:
There are two sides to every story. Rarely, if ever in recent memory, has the media provided any details from the side that might sway public opinion from the narrative it wishes to convey.
Anyone who watched that video would logically place blame for this man’s death on the officer. However, in a court of law where all pertinent evidence that was previously withheld or neglected by the media, is fully disclosed and debated for everyone to observe. I am not condoning the officer’s behavior, but rather citing the irresponsible actions of the biased media to convict him without due process in order to achieve the narrative that all cops are bad and we need to punish all of them so that corrupt forces can dismantle our cities and dominate their citizens. This was on full display for the entire country to observe in the days, weeks, and months that followed after this event took place. That too was portrayed by the media as “justifiable” and necessary.
Problem is, because of the media’s continued overreach, the jury will no doubt render a verdict based on public perception, not on evidence or facts.
Annetta Mccormick writes:
Come on man, this cop is going to get crucified, just to appease the lawless masses. We all know how it’s going end. Justices is dead.
Liss Taillon writes:
The law only knows the facts presented – it remains to be seen if Chauvin will be convicted of murder. And frankly, who really cares at this point?
The court of public opinion is the most un-just place on earth who cares about the law? Who cares about that?
Michael Slimm writes:
Derek Chauvin! Is making other police officers, quit! This trial is showing police officers, that criminals have more rights.
bill writes:
Biased?… Has the defense presented any witnesses as yet? No. The author clearly has made up her mind. Here’s something from the trial; his on and off again girlfriend both were drug addicts. She has taken him to the ER, in the past, because he overdosed. Floyd would refer to her as MAMA. So while being arrested, was he calling for his mom or was he OD’ing again and calling for his MAMA to take care off him? I think all should wait until all has been presented before jumping to conclusions. This article read more like a NYT’s article.
Diane Dimond replies:
I completely agree that we should all wait until there is a verdict before jumping to conclusions.
Guy KGuy writes:
(answering question about whether Floyd’s drug use and past similar arrest might sway a jury…)
It could sway a jury, but shouldn’t.
Duty of care. Once an officer takes responsibility for your well being, arrest or location of a stop, it’s their duty to ensure you’re not harmed.
Of course within reason. It was unreasonable to exasperate an obviously high individual by applying pressure to a neck region to gain control. Especially being that you already had control. The Officer apparently was frustrated and wanted to dominate the subject. There was no call for it. He was secured. He could have been and should have been rolled on his side and an ambulance called.
Even if the subject is bluffing. It’s a common tactic by subjects, but you’re on the clock. Don’t take it personal.
cdianosaur writes
Chauvin is on trial not Floyd. It’s not a fatal arrest. It is murder.
Dear Ms. Dimond,
I saw you, yesterday (4/20/21) on an interview, on the “Fox News Now” channel. You were discussing the verdict of the “Chauvin” trial.
You misspoke about something, during the interview, that should be corrected and/or to be aware of, for future interviews, so that you do not make the same mistake.
You said that the officer was “kneeling, so nonchalantly, with his hands in his pockets.” That is not correct.
If you look closer at the still picture, you will see that he has black gloves on, making it appear as though his hands are in his pockets.
The reason that this was brought to my attention is because, just like many others,
I thought the very same thing until someone else brought it to my attention and corrected me.
Just thought you’d want to know, because I’m sure that you’d want your reporting to be accurate.
Have a good day.