Archive for June 2021
Here’s Why Most Arrested Rioters Will Not Be Prosecuted
The nation watched in horror as peaceful demonstrations on behalf of George Floyd morphed into riots of looting, arson and murder. But most arrested will not be prosecuted. Why?
Read MoreWho Benefits From the Biden-Harris Immigration Policy?
When the US/Mexican border is breeched its not just immigration that’s affected. There’s an uptick in illegal drugs, OD deaths and human slavery. When does it stop?
Read MoreOur Cybersecurity in a Cyberwarfare Age
The US is a sitting duck for cyberattacks. Hospitals, food purveyors and businesses have paid ransom, encouraging the terrorists. So what’s the US plan to combat the Russian, Iranian and North Korean terrorists?
Read MoreRe-imagining Our Police Forces: What is it We Need?
Bill Bratton has been the police commissioner of three major cities: Boston, Los Angeles and New York. When asked recently about the value of cops Bratton, 73, said, “They are the glue that literally holds society together. They are an essential element of a successful democracy.” I agree. But we have come to a place…
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